1.During one of her play hours she wrote out an important document as well as she could.
2.Article of association is an important document which formulates the basic regulation of a company's organization and its behavior.
3.The joint statement is billed as the fourth important document to be signed since the two countries restored diplomatic relations in 1972 .
4.It was an important document and he was weighing his words.
5.The United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime is an important document in the fight against transnational crimes.
6.I lost a very important document. I really don't know what I shall do.
7.If you've ever had an important document get corrupted, you know the despair that sets in.
8.Arrange and archive the important document of the company party and union.
9.Another example; Let's say you work on an important document and you want to share it with your best friend.
10.Tom: I had a really terrible day. I lost a very important document, and all the work I've done was screwed up!